Thursday, July 13, 2006

My New Haircut

What do you think?


Sideon said...

You look fantastic!

There's something to be said about making changes in our lives, big or small: a new haircut, cleaning a room, finding a new job, making a new friend.

It sounds like you've been through some tough times. Chin up - one day at a time. If there's conflict with your parents, it might be the best in the long run if you did have your own space. Parents always feel they have executive editorial rights in their children's lives...

Be well.

m said...

you kinda have that Jamie Lee Curtis thing going on. Why don't you do it all the way, with her pixie-ish cut?

But, a step in the right direction, me thinks.

Gunner said...

Nice. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful.

Trixie Granny said...

Thanks for all the compliments. I think it may just go a little shorter in the near future. My bangs are a tad long and they are kinda buggin.

Sideon, I was looking at apartments online just before I approved your comment :)