Monday, June 20, 2005

To my readers...


I have a basic service with a company called blogpatrol where I can see who has viewed my profile. Of course it doesn't tell me your names or anything of the sort, but I do know that I have some regular readers. I would like very much to receive some feedback on occasion from those that visit my site. I am also curious to know what keeps you coming back for more. Besides, I have shared so much about myself with you, I would really like to get to know something about you, too.

Please, I welcome your comments. Also, FYI I have added a link in the left column for Bloglines. They offer a free service of sending you an email each time your favorite blogs are updated. Let me know if it works.

I know my web page is basic. I do not take the time to make it all spiffy and personalized, etc. I am satisfied with this retro-disco-style polka dot template. There are a few things I would change, but I have choosen not to take the time to mess with it. In this case, it is about the meat, not the package. The rest of the time, it's the reverse. ;)

Happy Reading,
Trixie Granny


Anonymous said...

lol, you got me! And probably some others too.

I came across your blog when searching LDS blogs awhile ago. I keep coming back for a few reasons. First because I grew up in California and I was interested that you lived there. Second because you like swing dancing which I have always wished I could learn. And Third because of your work. I was very impressed by how much you helped others and how you touched their lives.

I hope you don't mind! I always feel weird posting a comment when the person doesn't even know me. To be honest, I don't know why I hesitate so much, I love getting comments on my blog, even if I don't know the person.

I will comment more now - and I encourage my fellow closet blog readers to do the same!

Trixie Granny said...

Thank you! I so appreciate your comments. It's nice to get some feedback.